Monday, October 15, 2007


Today in the news:
according to the AP via, a teenager with autism was lost on a trail this past weekend. After missing for several days and despite the family's assurance that although he may be autistic he is in perfect physical condition and used to hiking the region, search and rescuers have kept the search radius to about four miles. its simply appalling at times isn't it? my hopes.
more from the campaign trail (again, according to cnn). Apparently John Edwards doesn't think Hilary is sincere (which for is worthy of an entire article) and John McCain has proposed a tax bill which strongly resembles Giullani's, just a little less specific *cough nonexistant* budget. Not only threatening the security of millions, but all the more vague. way to go McCain. If you can't beat em, confuse them.
Ever since Gore won the Nobel Prize there's been whispers of a possible bid (but are they actually whispers or the doggy bones of media driven gossip we all love so much). Also, how in hell can Fred Thompson be so high up in the polls?
At the end of the day, such lofty media outlets as will result to pie charts explaining to us what exactly is going on in the politcal sphere. does anyone ever understand these pie charts? at least they're pretty and colorful.

If anyone is in the mood for a new read I have a suggestion. (i think its hilarious that i just assumed i had an audience) Life has found me to be too busy for an actual novel. Donald Barthleme's collection of short stories called "forty stories" has been the perfect thing for fall in Asheville. (not that we've had much fall yet, but tell that to the leafers). Nonetheless, when you have those fifteen minutes between work and lunch, class, grocery or mental breakdown, go to the library and pick it up. Short, witty and always bizarre Barthlme's writing stinks of some kind of sardonic spirit we all have. I've fallen in love with the short story. I think I can jive with a short story much easier than a continuous narrative when I'm stressed and busy. (which by the way i think is the primary marketing strategy of the bible but thats another post.)
Well, if anyone else is looking for the sublime sigh in the middle of the day, support your local library and pick it up. (jen, i'm afraid you might be stuck with asking a sherpa, for this i congratulate you. You will probably be able to ask them in their native tongue. although I'm not sure how Barthleme will translate in Nepalese).

I'll end with a quote which i think is relevant. (pertaining to fred thompson)
"Actors [Goethe said] are the Scotch weevils in the salt pork of honest effort"