Friday, March 28, 2008

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. I've never quite understood that. There's nothing like knowing the actual person.

I created a nook for myself the other day. Where I am, where I am at in my life it seems that nooks need not only be created, but they also need to be defended. There's been a tenacity of late that is new. One would think that having grown up with three siblings and a set of angry parents, I would learn to be tenacious and defend my space. I have learned since then that The world outside the "normal" life of family teaches you an even deeper (and sometimes angrier) tenacity. One that drives you to escape to a space that is yours and only yours. One that you defend without shame.

This nook isn't very impressive. its just a desk next to a window. It smells like dust in here and old cigarettes smoked a year ago (the ones that landis and i smoked on sunday afternoons lying in bed refusing to get up). Just outside of the window is a wall. Brick. But sometimes, all you really need is a desk next to a window. What is outside the window doesn't really matter; just that there is light.