Sunday, November 22, 2009

A life in books

Hello, cyber world. Does anyone ever read this blog anymore? If you're like me, you quit ages ago. So, I launch this post into the quiet chaos of the internets and wish it the best.

SO, today I took a survey of my library. I think I have earned the right to call my book collection a library. We're into the hundreds, if not the low thousands of books folks. Thats a library.

My mission tonight was to take out the books that have impacted my life for better or worse over my life and look at the scope of it all. Completely honest in every respect. So diverse I felt obligated to make it real by posting it here.

No explanations or excuses. That provides me with fodder for further posts discussing these books and possibly a place for you to share your thoughts.

There is no order, chronological, genre or otherwise. Take them as they come.

1. The Complete Works of Shakespeare
2. "She Came to Stay" Simone De Beauvoir
3. The Bible
4. The Essential Kabbalah
5. Hafiz
6. "Setting a Trap for God" Rocco A. Errico
7. New Seeds of Contemplation ~ Thomas Merton
8. Mere Christianity ~ C.S. Lewis
9. Forty Stories ~ Donald Barthleme
10. Jitterbug Perfume ~ Tom Robbins
11. Foe ~ J.M. Coetzee
12. Devil on the Cross ~ Ngugi
13. Midnight's Children ~ Salman Rushdie
14. Oranges are not the Only Fruit ~ Jeanette Winterson
15. Absalom, Absalom ~ Faulkner
16. Facing the Wall ~ Don Potter
17. Jesus Interrupted ~Bart Ehrman
18. Foxfire numbers 2 and 7
19. Behavioural Concerns and Autistic Spectrum Disorders ~ John Clements and Ewa Zarkowska
20. Stand Still Like the Hummingbird ~ Henry Miller
21. The Diary of Anais Nin volume 1931-1934
22.The Collected Poems of Yeats
23. The Complete Short Stories ~ Flannery O'Conner
24. Poems ~ Tennyson
25. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
26. Paradise Lost ~ Milton
27. The Lupine Lady
28. In the Penal Colony ~ Kafka

Other Honorable mentions include Kurt Vonnegut's "Breakfast of Champions", "Wuthering Heights" (yes, I am a secret fanatic for 18th c. British lit). , Anne of Green Gables. Possibly more, but I've had a whiskey drink so that is all my memory will allow for the moment.

If anyone is out there, what are your all time favorites? Any reccomendations? I'm fresh out of new reading material this week.

Cheers and Good Luck

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