Sunday, January 31, 2010

More Snow and dreams of Spring

Every Winter, I try to come up with a list of things that are nice about it. Every Winter I can really only come up with one solid thing:

Dreaming about my flower garden.

Thats it. We have had alot more snow this year, which is nice enough. But I'm not really made for Winter. The grey skies make me sad and the biting wind just pisses me off. BUT, the one perk is that I can look through gardening books and seed catalogs and plan my garden for the next year.

The best part about gardening is that every year you learn something new. I want to take my time, learn about one plant a year; this coming year shall be the year of the Dahlia!

There are hundreds of different varieties, from tiny blossoms, to monsters like these.
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I like the big ones. Last year I grew a few small ones; one was the stark white, the most beautiful blossom I'd ever seen. Then the dog from Next Door peed on it. I've never cried for a flower before, but that day the tears fell.

Also, last year, I had no idea that you could actually dig up the root and put it in the basement for next year. So I'm kicking myself, because I could actually have saved that pretty white one.

Onward! Now I know and get ready, cause I've got the fever.

Plus, what great gifts these would make. You could save the root, then divide it come planting time and give it away as gifts! Make the world more beautiful!

cheers to the Dahlia.

The American Dahlia Society

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