Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sedum and Seedoo.

Looking over my fairly sad garden beds the other day, I was amazed by the tenacity of sedum. Quickly becoming one of my favorite ground covers, these hardy succulents tend to survive mild winters and have been holding up nicely this winter. It is comforting to think that even with the harshest winter in recent memory, my garden is incubating for the glory of spring.

Plants that I expect to survive the winter are as follows:

The Black Eyed Susans from Across the Street
The lovely purple Bee Balm I planted last year
The Autumn Joy Sedum (tall thin succulent which blossoms in the fall) ---->
The Arbitrary Sedum Rock plant
My Hen and Chicks seem to be doing 'ok'.

I am also hoping for some volunteer tomatillos, hot peppers, sun flowers from the bird feeder (which was a nice suprise last year) and crossing my fingers that my lavender will survive. It is the hardy one after all.

Cats and Dogs from Next Door continue to wreck havoc on the soil and struggling plants. However, I shall persevere. Its better than Next Door's offspring pulling flowers up by the roots which is what happened last spring.

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