Thursday, April 22, 2010

Gillian Welch

I do love me some springtime in Asheville. Its the time when all the possibilities are reality and all mistakes are forgiven.

I love throwing seeds in the dirt and watching them slowly creep out into the world. I lay on my belly, face level with the grass and literally watch things grow for a bit in the day. Its truly better than therapy.

I read Walt Whitman, go barefoot and desperately miss beer and cigarettes. 

And holy shit are we having a great spring. First of all, last weekend, on a hike we were literally swimming through some of the most beautiful patches of native plants. I am completely ignorant at identifying plants and have promised myself to become better. But as it so happens, my Landis is a biologist, so while I'm a dunce at plant id, he is the plant guru. Which may explain why I haven't tried to learn it myself. Must fix..

Plants like bloodroot...and seriously, it was a carpet of bloodroot. Also more ramps than I've ever seen, and mayapple and the first trillium blossom of the season. (trillium I can id, it is my favorite). Surpisingly no morels and as the season is passed, I think I've just gone through our first spring in 4 years not seeing a single one. Its rather heartbreaking.


                                                                        Stinky stinky Ramps. One bite of the season is all I need.
Now: I love me some Trillium. Trillium makes me want to worship big mama Earth with a fire and a dance. There are thousands of different varieties, but this is one like I saw blooming (not my picture). They'll be coming out all year round. My favorites are the bright red ones that pop out near Graveyard Fields when its blueberry time. When I have a house, high on the garden list is to try my hand at cultivating a trillium garden. No easy task I hear.

And good goddamn you know its spring when you start craving old time music and humming ballads. So get pumped cause this lady is coming to the Grey Eagle Monday night for a surprise show. Yessiree, its Gillian Welch and David Rawlings at the best venue in Asheville. Perfect for spring in the mountains.  Lets share a bag of ramps and hear some tunes, eh?

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